18 November: General Assembly of ADEAC

El proximo jueves 18 de noviembre, ADEAC celebrará la Asamblea Anual en un acto presencial
The proximo Thursday 18 November, ADEAC will celebrate the Annual Assembly in a face-to-face act
Following the intrucciones of the Presidentde of ADEAC, the Mr. Marc Parera and as it agreed in the anterior meeting of Managerial Joint of 16 September 2021, attach them envio the formal announcement for the General Assembly of ADEAC, that this year will take place the Thursday 18 November 2021
Próximamente Will spend them the definite program of the Day, that provisionally is the following: 
  • 9:00: Accreditations
  • 9:30 -10:00 to 11:00: Celebration of the General Assembly of ADEAC 2021
  • 11:00 to 12:00: Coffee Break
  • 12:00 to 13:30: Reports Providers of ADEAC
  • 14:00 Lunch (price per person, 30 euros) 
What communicate them to the timely effects so that they confirm or decline his assistance to the main possible shortness, with organisational effects.
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