ADEAC Remembers that drink water of dispensers is a sure practice

Beber agua dispensada por las fuentes de agua mineral natural y a las conectadas a la red de agua potable es una práctica segura y sostenible con el medio ambiente
Drink water dispensed by the sources of natural mineral water and to the connected to the net of potable water is a sure and sustainable practice with the environment
ADEAC, Association of Distributors, Envasadores and Producers of Water in Cooler remarks that, in the current situation of expansion of the COVID-19, drink water dispensed by the sources of natural mineral water and to the connected to the net of potable water is a sure and sustainable practice with the environment. ADEAC Guarantees that following the general recommendations of cleansing of hands and cleansing of surfaces minimises the risk of contagion of the water that dispenses of the squads.
ADEAC Obliges to be followed the guidelines of frequent wash of hands and of cleansing of surfaces, as they are indicating the sanitary authorities.  Besides, it recommends encarecidamente the use of glasses desechables for the consumption of the water dispensed.
Recommendations for the maintenance of the sources
The squads dispensers of water have to maintain in a state of excellent cleansing, as always. And we remember that they always have to manipulate after the wash of hands. The load of garrafones in the dispenser also has to make with care and extremando the hygienic conditions.
Also we remember that the distributors of water clean and higienizan his transports of efficient form so that they do not suppose a possible focus of contamination.
The European Agency of Alimentary Security is monitoring very closely the situation of the shoot of the illness by coronavirus (COVID-19),that is affecting as a whole to a big quantity of countries. In this moment, there are not evidences that the foods are a source of transmission of the virus. Therefore, we remark that there is not evidence that the water packed was a road of transmission.
ADEAC, Association of Distributors, Envasadores and Producers of Water in Cooler, is a non-profit entity that gathers to the majority of Spanish companies of distribution of water to job centres, domiciles and in big format through sources. Founded in 1998, the Association works to give voice to the business interests of his associated, so much in front of the Public Administration as in front of other national organisms or Europeans. To reinforce this aim, ADEAC is member also of Watercoolers Europe (WE) that groups to the different national associations of the sector in Europe and in which it collaborates actively.
Like representative of his associated, ADEAC has the recognition of the Spanish and European Administration, what has turn a stood out speaker of the sector.
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