The distributors of water in cooler, considered referents in the reuse of containers and sustainability

El uso de reutilización del bidón de agua de los dispensadores equivale al consumo de 1500 botellas de plástico de agua de medio litro.
The use of reuse of the drum of water of the dispensers equivale to the consumption of 1500 bottles of plastic of water of half litre.
The companies associated to ADEAC, Association of Distributors, Envasadores and Producers of Water in Cooler, have turn referents like models of reuse of containers, reduction of use of plastic and decrease of waste. The sector of the dispensers of water, that can find in job centres, homes, places of leisure, sportive or educational centres, is one of the more concienciados with the best practices of sustainability. 
The use of a drum dispenser of 5 chevrons of water equivale to 1.500 bottles of plastic of half litre
The bottles of water that use the dispensers are reutilizadas 50 times before being recycled. This translates in that the use of reuse of the drum of water of the dispensers equivale to the consumption of 1500 bottles of plastic of water of half litre. Once finished the useful life of the drum, recycles in almost his whole. Of this way, the circularidad of our products is a commitment in key of future to take care and protect the environment and a step more in the recycling of waste and the circular economy.
The companies work to reduce the environmental impact and the footprint of carbon as for example, in the glasses of recyclable material so that they are neutral in emissions CO2.
Routes of distribution optimised in electrical vehicles
Sabedoras Of the contamination that generates the urban distribution, the companies associated of ADEAC work in the optimisation of routes of distribution that cause the minor impact to the environment. The efficiency of the distribution in the last mile is one of the priorities of the companies that distribute the dispensers. The commitment with the sustainability of the distribution spends also by a strategy of sustainable mobility that reduce the footprint of carbon, like the progressive implantation in the fleets of urban distribution of electrical vehicles. 
ADEAC, Association of Distributors, Envasadores and Producers of Water in Cooler, is a non-profit entity that gathers to the majority of Spanish companies of distribution of water to job centres, domicile and in big format through sources. Founded in 1998, the Association works to give voice to the business interests of his associated, so much in front of the Public Administration as in front of other national organisms or Europeans. To reinforce this aim, ADEAC is member also of Watercooler Europe (WE) that groups to the different national associations of the sector in Europe and in which it collaborates actively.
Like representative of his associated, ADEAC has the recognition of the Spanish and European Administration, what has turn a stood out speaker of the sector. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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