A hundred of analytical of detection of SARS-CoV-2 in surfaces of dispensers of water in garrafas and to the net evidencian the absence of the virus in all the surfaces analysed.

El resultado de los análisis de las 100 muestras realizadas en fuentes de uso habitual en empresas, oficinas y salas de espera, con un máximo de tres puntos de toma de muestra de cada equipo ha indicado la ausencia de coronavirus SARS-COV2. 
The result of the analyses of the 100 samples made in sources of usual use in companies, offices and rooms of wait, with a maximum of three points of taking of sample of each squad has indicated the absence of coronavirus SARS-COV2. 
ADEAC, the Association of Distributors and Envasadores of Water in Cooler, has commissioned to the Laboratory Dr. Oliver Rodés a sampling of surfaces in three points of dispensers of water in garrafas and dispensers of water of net. The result of the analyses of the 100 samples made in sources of usual use in companies, offices and rooms of wait, with a maximum of three points of taking of sample of each squad has indicated the absence of coronavirus SARS-COV2. Of this way, stand out that the surfaces analysed are free of coronavirus and confirm the fact that drink dispensers of water is a sure practice.

The points analysed in each dispenser are the ones of contact more usual by the user, therefore, the most susceptible to a possible risk of contagion by Coronavirus. Of this way, followed the following methodology.:
For the dispensers of water in garrafas, the points of taking of sample have been the pulsadores or botoneras and the zone of start of water, that contemplates an external sampling of the filter of the dispenser and the wall that surrounds to the filter. 
In relation to the points of taking of sample for the dispensers of water in net, have analysed the botoneras, the filter to drink directly and the filter to fill container.

From ADEAC, remember that according to the WHO (World Health Organisation) and UNICEF (Fund of International Emergency of the United Nations for the Infancy): "At present, there is not evidence on the survival of the virus SARS-CoV-2, causante of the illness known like COVID-19, in the potable water".
ADEAC, like association leader of the sector in Spain, has the responsibility to advise to the Members of his Associations and to his clients on the sure use of dispensers of water.

• Practise a good personal hygiene washing frequently the hands with water and soap or with a desinfectante for hands to base of alcohol.
• Clean regularly the surfaces that manipulate with frequency by means of toallitas with alcohol (photocopiers, machines of coffee, keyboards, tables, knobs of the doors,…).
• Avert assist to the work if it has unrest.
• Avert touch the eyes, the nose or the mouth if his hands are not clean.
• Avert meetings or agglomerations inside the space of work.
• Practise the social distance: ensure that there is at least 1,5 metres among the people.
Likewise, ADEAC recommends:
•  Follow the instructions of the Manual of Best practices of the ADEAC, approved by the Sanitary Authorities of each country and registered by the European Commission.
• Cater with companies associated to ADEAC, that allow him guarantee the fulfillment of the standards of quality by her established
• Make a cleansing of all the outside of the dispenser of regular form, following the general recommendations for any surface, as it has mentioned in the anterior section. 
• Clean frequently the taps of the dispenser of water using toallitas desinfectantes or apt sprinklers for alimentary use.
Keep a distance social recommended when it go to use the dispenser. 
• Use gloves and mask when it arrive to the installations of the client.
• In case that it was necessary to make an intervention in the dispenser of water, ensure to   disinfect the hands with desinfectantes approved and put new gloves.
ADEAC, Association of Distributors, Envasadores and Producers of Water in Cooler, is a non-profit entity that gathers to the majority of Spanish companies of distribution of water to job centres, domiciles and in big format through sources. Founded in 1998, the Association works to give voice to the business interests of his associated, so much in front of the Public Administration as in front of other national organisms or Europeans. To reinforce this aim, ADEAC is member also of Watercoolers Europe (WE) that groups to the different national associations of the sector in Europe and in which it collaborates actively.
Like representative of his associated, ADEAC has the recognition of the Spanish and European Administration, what has turn a stood out speaker of the sector.
Laboratory Dr. Oliver Rodés is a company with 120 years of experience in the sector of the water, specialised in the hygienic advice-sanitary and analysis for the alimentary industry, pharmaceutical, industry in general and companies of services.
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